Bug King got another mention in the NZ Herald today, so......
Seems like a good time for another post.
Today there was an article in the NZ Herald re: the increasing rodent problem in Auckland. You can read it here.
The gist of the article was about the increasing problems with rodents in the home. So, is the rodent population in Auckland increasing?
Is it more noticeable than usual?
Why? Well it's been a long hot summer, which means it's been great breeding conditions for rodents.......but, unfortunately it's also been a very dry summer. Why's this unfortunate? Well rodents, just like us, have 3 basic needs. Food, water and somewhere to live. This summer has provided food and shelter in abundance but because it's been so dry the usual water sources for rodents have dried up. This is forcing them to search for water in places they wouldn't usually frequent this time of year. Pet water bowls, fish ponds, bird baths or even worse indoors. This is why where noticing the unusually high rodent activity now.
Unfortunately things aren't going to improve. When winter finally takes hold the problem is only going to get worse as the abundance of rodents that have bred outside seek shelter from the cold wet weather and start to move indoors.
At Bug King we're predicting a bumper rodent season this winter.
If you need more information about rodents look at the frequently asked questions about rodents at our website here.
As always, if you need any assistance or advice about rodent issues, please feel free to call the team at Bug King on 0800 KING KING (54 64 54)